Welcome to the Global Alliance of Muslims for Equality - GAME!

WHAT IS IT? GAME is an organization of young Muslims from across Europe and the United States of America that advocates, through several projects and platforms, for the rights of Muslims. GAME aims to create a movement led by and for young Muslims to collectively tell their stories, lift up their voices, and improve the situations of fellow Muslims in Europe through advocacy.

To create a world in which Muslims will be integrated in all facets of society and entitled to all the rights, duties and responsibilities that define citizenship thereby promoting and building a world of harmony and inclusivity for all.

GAME is a collective movement to redress the false perceptions of Islam and challenge islamophobia through public forums, communal exchanges, education and dialogue.


As founders and owners of GAME, we, the undersigned, commit ourselves to the principles hereunder, agreed at our inaugural conference at Kippure/Glencree on the 17th of October, 2017. The mission of GAME is to implement these principles and to practice them.

1. The founding principle of GAME is that Islam is a religion of peace. GAME will develop and promote all its policies and activities on this premise.
2. All internal communication will be in French and English.
3. We will establish an infrastructure for the GAME network with the goal of spreading the message of GAME to our communities, countries and the world.
4. We will promote our message through dialogue, training, and media.
5. We are the facilitators of GAME and will share our expertise. GAME is a voice of and for the participants to make their own decisions.
6. GAME is an inclusive movement by and for Muslims but open to the inclusion of all others who agree with these principles.
7. We stand in solidarity with other people advocating for equality and justice around the world and stand against discrimination against anyone.
8. GAME condemns all types of discrimination against Muslims, especially in education, housing and employment, and demands respect for their identity and citizenship.
9. GAME will work to ensure that Muslims have access to equal opportunities.
10. GAME will raise awareness of discrimination based on name, appearance, origin or other status.
11. GAME calls for credible research on the negative effects of discrimination against Muslims.
12. GAME recognizes that much of the media is increasing Islamophobia by equating Islam and terrorism, which damages the dignity of Muslims.
13. GAME does not feel obliged to apologize for acts of terrorism because an apology implies the culpability of all Muslims.
14. GAME request fair and accurate depictions of Islam and Muslims by the media, and will work to ensure ethical and responsible media coverage.
15. GAME will promote portraying realistic images of Muslim women and men and reject all forms of sexism.
16. GAME will work to ensure that Muslims are not victimized because of their faith.
17. GAME will encourage more Muslims to enter leadership roles, including elected office, to be more representative of their constituents. It will also encourage leadership by people, regardless of religion or ethnicity, who can effectively advocate for and support Muslim youth.  

Sign our Charter!

If you agree with our Charter, join us in this global movement and sign-in!


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